6-Week Challenge
Join the BEST local 6-week challenge around! Our challenge offers unlimited classes; 5 styles of classes to choose from and over 60 class times/week. Our dynamic selection of classes makes the challenge a great fit for all!
All ability levels are welcome! We even take kids ages 10 and up. So bring your kids! Whether you are an experienced athlete or a newbie to fitness, this challenge is FOR YOU!​
THE BEST PART IS ACCOUNTABILITY! A staff member will text you each week with your attendance count and will do their best to help you stay motivated. The 24-class attendance goal and staff check-ins KEEP YOU COMING!
Meet with our certified nutrition coach, Coach Megan!
Nutrition Coaching includes:
One-on-one session to help create a macro plan, healthy grocery list, strategies to overcome common barriers,
education on timed nutrition, meal prep ideas, and Inbody scan.
Coach Megan will have 2 additional check-ins with you throughout the challenge!
ELIGIBILITY: Former members are eligible to participate if you have not been a member for 9-months or longer AND you have not previously received a challenge goal refund.
Challenge Sign-Up
NOTE: If you have work or vacation travel (or have an illness) within the 6-weeks, we will extend your challenge end date out to ensure you receive the full 6-weeks!
Upcoming Challenge Dates:
Don't want to wait til the next challenge begins?
No worries! You have 2 OPTIONS:
1) We can prorate any week leading up to the challenge at $25/week. NOTE: you must purchase the next 6-week challenge first to be eligible for the discounted prorated weeks. Then text us at (859) 376-5474 and we will manually add and charge the prorated weeks for you.
2) Start your 6-week challenge now!
**Official start date will be your first class registration**
NOTE: A lot of behind the scenes administrative work takes place for each challenge that correspond to the challenge start dates. However, you may choose to start on any date you wish, you just will not receive the traditional administrative offerings which include: the orientation, before and after baseline workout, weekly attendance texts and the ability to extend your challenge out for injury or travel.
What happens at the end of the Challenge?
You will have several options following the challenge...
1. Hit the goal and take your money back!
2. If you wish to continue on with us, we will take the $150 you spent PLUS throw in an extra $100 for hitting the goal, so $250 to put towards a 6-month contract!